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The seal of 100% PURE affixed to our product packaging serves as a guarantee that all of our Saraspice Pepper originates from Sarawak. Our product has undergone rigorous quality assurance measures, meeting internationally recognized standards. Additionally, our pepper has been certified by the Malaysian Pepper Board’s MS ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accredited laboratory and MS ISO 9001:2015 Grading and Certification Services, further affirming the quality and authenticity of our product. We hold the conviction that producing premium pepper extends beyond merely enhancing taste; it also ensures the safety and assurance of our customers. Therefore, we take great pride in delivering quality pepper that can provide you with peace of mind.
Our company has embraced the growing popularity of e-commerce and has listed our products on two of Southeast Asia’s most renowned platforms, Lazada and Shopee. We invite you to visit our product pages on these platforms and experience the convenience of online shopping.
Sustainability is vital for a company’s long-term success, minimizing negative environmental impact and maximizing social and economic benefits.