
Enviromental, Social and Governance (ESG)


Enviromental, Social and Governance (ESG)


Saraspice is committed to conducting its business in a responsible and sustainable manner, considering ENVIROMENTAL, SOCIAL, and GOVERNANCE (ESG) factors in all our operations. These ESG policies outline out principles and approach to creating a positive impact on the environment, our employees, stakeholders, and the communities we operate with.


Saraspice is committed to conducting its business in a responsible and sustainable manner, considering ENVIROMENTAL, SOCIAL, and GOVERNANCE (ESG) factors in all our operations. These ESG policies outline out principles and approach to creating a positive impact on the environment, our employees, stakeholders, and the communities we operate with.


Fair Labor Practices

Community Engagement

Customer Satisfaction


Climate Change

Energy Efficiency

Paper Reduction

Sustainable Procurement

Waste Management

Other Sustainable Practices


Corporate Governance

Sustainability Reporting

Risk Management


Fair Labor Practices

Community Engagement

Customer Satisfaction


Climate Change

Energy Efficiency

Paper Reduction

Sustainable Procurement

Waste Management

Other Sustainable Practices


Corporate Governance

Sustainability Reporting

Risk Management


Fair Labor Practices

  • Saraspice is committed to providing a safe and fair working environment for all Saraspice’s employees. This includes adhering to labor laws, providing competitive wages and benefits, and offering opportunities for training and development.


Community Engagement

  • Saraspice will support the communities where we operate through charitable initiatives and partnerships with local agencies.


Customer Satisfaction

  • Saraspice is committed to providing our customers with high-quality pepper products and excellent customer service.


Climate Change

  • Track and measure our carbon footprint, including emissions from Saraspice’s fleet, staff travel (business trips, site visits, meetings), and energy consumption at Saraspice’s facilities.
  • Explore carbon offset programs to compensate for unavoidable emissions while investing in projects that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or prevent future emissions.


Energy Efficiency

  • Maintaining and upgrading energy-efficient lighting and appliances.
  • Engaging employees in energy conservation practices, such as turning off lights and electronics when not in use.


Paper Reduction

  • Utilizing electronic documents and cloud-based storage solutions whenever possible.
  • Implementing double-sided printing and encouraging employees to be mindful of paper usage.


Sustainable Procurement

  • Choosing recycled or sustainable sourced materials.
  • Purchasing durable and energy-efficient products.
  • Working with suppliers who share Saraspice’s commitment to sustainability.


Waste Management

  • Recycling programs for paper, plastic, glass, and other materials.
  • Composting organic waste IF feasible.
  • Minimizing overall waste generation through responsible purchasing practices.


Other Sustainable Practices

  • Promoting water conservation efforts throughout Saraspice’s facilities.
  • Partnering with relevant agencies to organize environmental awareness program and activities, such as tree planting, river and village clean-up initiatives.


Corporate Governance

  • Saraspice will uphold the highest standards of corporate governance, including transparency, accountability, and ethical business practices.


Sustainability Reporting

  • Saraspice will regularly report on its ESG performance, including setting measurable goals and tracking progress.


Risk Management

  • Saraspice will identify and manage environmental, social, and governance risks that could impact the nature of Saraspice’s business.
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